Fetch Falcon 7X18 高清 FMC 袖珍单筒望远镜(2023 年第三代,高功率超轻紧凑型单筒望远镜)适合成人和儿童的理想手持望远镜(银色)
Fetch Falcon 7X18 高清 FMC 袖珍单筒望远镜(2023 年第三代,高功率超轻紧凑型单筒望远镜)适合成人和儿童的理想手持望远镜(银色)
颜色: 7X18 口袋
- 超紧凑、高品质单筒望远镜:轻型袖珍望远镜,配有全镀膜玻璃镜片,清晰度极佳,质量丝毫不受影响。配件齐全:包括便携袋、清洁布和腕带,方便携带和维护
- 稳定的观看体验:防滑模制手柄可确保最大限度地减少晃动,从而在各种情况下提供最佳视野。经济实惠的高品质光学器件:优质单筒望远镜,价格实惠
- 非常适合冒险家:非常适合音乐会、户外活动、观鸟、狩猎、射箭、远足、露营、划船、打靶、登山、水上运动和背包旅行。双筒望远镜的便捷替代品:更易于在旅途中使用,提供出色的性能不增加体积
- 增强的透光性:多层镀膜光学器件可提供更明亮、更锐利的图像和高对比度。耐用且时尚的设计:橡胶覆盖的铝制机身提供保护和时尚的外观
- 舒适防滑握把:符合人体工程学的拇指凹痕和指脊确保易用性并增加稳定性防水结构:专为承受各种天气条件和户外环境而设计。
零件编号: IPX7 单筒望远镜
详情:众所周知,我们动了别人的奶酪,差评是不公平的。原因是:我们都希望产品质量高、价格实惠,但事与愿违; Fetch Falcon,应运而生,Onboard Products Inc,中国自有工厂,位于加拿大温哥华,设计于加拿大温哥华,致力于为可爱的北美同胞提供最优质的产品和合理的价格。
统一代码: 628067704411
国际编码: 0628067704411
型号: IPX7 单筒望远镜

This is one of 18 monoculars I bought recently to make a comparison video. It's one of the smaller - and least expensive - models I tested. It appears to be pretty well built with a studded rubber cover over most of the barrel. Images are fairly clean and bright. At this price it would be a great first scope for kids... or handy to pop in a purse or glove compartment for unexpected bird sightings, etc. It's a very good value.
I prefer 8x binoculars, but since a monocular is more difficult to hold steady, I opted for this 7x monocular.Good optics aren't cheap, and cheap optics aren't good, but this monocular is way better than I could have hoped for.It has a nice bright image, and good field of view and depth of field, making objects easy to locate and minimizing the amount of focusing needed.Cheap optics like this usually have fringing or distortion around the edges of the image, but I haven't noticed any. Focusing is pretty good too. Maybe some ever so slight fringing around the edges of brightly-lit objects, but this is only noticeable if you're really looking for it.One other nice surprise was the fact that the silver parts are aluminum. From the photos, I had assumed they would be painted plastic, but the build quality is far better than I had expected.The rubber eye cup can be folded back on itself for people who wear glasses.The rubber coating of the body has raised bumps. I don't particularly care for the way these look, but they do offer an excellent gripping surface, which helps when focusing.The focusing ring is well-damped, and turns smoothly.It even comes in a fabric case. The case is a little larger than it needs to be, but it does the job, and there is plenty of extra room inside to store the included cleaning cloth.Overall, this little monocular really punches above its weight. It's not going to outperform the really expensive name brands, but if you just want a cheap little utility monocular to throw in a bag, this is definitely worth considering.
I bought this to keep in a jacket pocket for bird-watching opportunities, etc.. It is good enough for that purpose, and sturdier than a Zeiss pocket telescope I once owned but broke with an unreasonably slight tap. Good enough, at about 1/20th the price!
It’s probably more like 5x, but it’s easy to carry in your pocket and pull out during walks. You need two hands to adjust it, but the focus is good, even in lower light.
Like something you’d find in a box of cereal
I originally got this for my 6 year old kiddo. He loved the idea of a "spyglass" to take closer looks at things in the sky, and this seemed like the perfect size for himIt's quite small--it easily fits in a pocket--and it easy enough to focus that my kiddo can do it himself.The included case is a nice perk, but with the amount of use it gets the case is showing significant signs of wear and tear after a couple months.
This is a monocular that is very small and very lightweight.It comes in a small carrying bag that has a belt loop on it. It also comes with a cleaning cloth.I find that it isn't very "crystal clear" and the more light you have the better your vision will be.It is silver in color, with a black rubberized band for grip.It is adjustable, like a diopter on a camera, to meet your vision requirements.It's ok. If all you want is additional short distance viewing, then this may meet your needs.
Way better than you think it is. Of course it’s small and the viewing lens is just about 7mm but the image is bright and the focus adjusts to bring images in to Crystal clarity. The magnification is enough to be useful but doesn’t cause the image to darken. It can easily fit in a pocket or purse. Recommended.