Fetch Falcon10x50 BAK4 FMC 船用 IPX7 双筒望远镜(2023 测距仪、数字指南针和温度紧凑型)多功能船用带背带和颈带
Fetch Falcon10x50 BAK4 FMC 船用 IPX7 双筒望远镜(2023 测距仪、数字指南针和温度紧凑型)多功能船用带背带和颈带
- 升级型号在 50mm 右物镜中显示温度/方向,在弱光或黑暗条件下可见,内置测距仪用于距离和物体尺寸计算。
- 高清镜头具有 10 倍放大倍率、50 毫米物镜,利用 BAK4 Porro 棱镜系统消除杂散光,并采用多层镀膜提高透光率,从而产生明亮锐利的图像。
- 独立调焦系统,左右屈光度环均具有±5屈光度调节,无需戴眼镜即可获得更好的观看效果,对焦精细,适合各种户外活动。
- 专业双筒望远镜套件具有耐用的橡胶铠装,包括用于存储和运输的手提包,以及方便户外探险时使用的背带。
- 海洋双筒望远镜具有 10 倍放大倍率和 50 毫米物镜,提供宽视野(1000 码处 396 英尺)并适应极端环境。
- 充氮防水设计,采用 O 形圈密封,提供完整的防水保护,使双筒望远镜能够漂浮在水面上,并在所有天气条件下均表现良好。
- 内置照明罗盘用于方向定位,内部测距仪用于确定右目镜中的距离和物体大小。
- 高功率 BAK4 双筒望远镜具有绿色 FMC 抗反射涂层,可在昏暗环境中呈现明亮、清晰的图像。
- 独特的迷彩图案,使望远镜更容易隐藏在森林环境中,更适合户外爱好者。
- 特定的光学设计 清晰的图像和生动的对比度,可折叠的眼罩,方便佩戴眼镜操作,橡胶蒙皮设计,握持舒适。
零件编号: 10X50 船用 IPX7 双筒望远镜
详情:我们都希望产品质量高,价格实惠,然而,事与愿违; Fetch Falcon,应运而生,Onboard Products Inc,中国自有工厂,位于加拿大温哥华,设计于加拿大温哥华,致力于为可爱的北美同胞提供最优质的产品和合理的价格。
型号: 10X50 船用 IPX7 双筒望远镜
I really like them as binoculars but I did not realize the "built in rangefinder" is based on marine use.As an example it is like a golf manual rangefinder where the height of the distant object " like a flag pole on the green is known.So the scale is permanently in the right lens .Prior to ordering I mistakenly envisioned it was used like a hand held rangefinder which sends a signal to target object and calculates distance from time it takes for signal to return.Having said that the description did not fully explain how the rangefinder worked to potential customers.Again great binoculars for knowledgeable mariners but not for hunters and hikers.
The picture quality is great up close, true HD. Anything 50 yards and over though becomes blurry, even seeing doubles. I've adjusted a fair share of binoculars in my life and I could not correct these. Looking at anything in the distance made me dizzy.The construction feels solid and I had high hopes but ended up being disappointed.
Belle image mais mes jumelles avait deux taches sur la lentille droite donc je les ai retourné.